Thursday, April 10, 2014

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Perverted Signs

Mrs. Noisewater and I were driving home after having dinner with my parents in my home town when I saw a sign by a local church that read this:

Of course I got out of the car to get a picture of this for Facebook and the blog!
Now, I know this church has tried to be funny in the past.  For instance, I remember when "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" came out they had a sign that "Satan Is the Real Phatom Menace."  How ominous!  But this one about Easter and cumming seems like a bit much.  Is it possible they meant how often we "come" to church?  Even then, wouldn't someone, think about the other, more dirty, use of the word?  I mean, I know some church folks can be a little naive, but come on, people!

This reminds me of the time my mom left work for the night, leaving an intern on his last day of work in charge of changing the sign out front.  Then she had to field one hundred calls the next morning about why the library wanted everyone to "Honk If You're Horny."

Do I speak for all of us when I say "Beep! Beep!?"


Jimmy Fungus said...

Yeah, I think they meant come to church, though the double entendre should have been obvious to them, some people are clueless. That was a real doozy of a faux pas though, and all credit goes to you for noticing it, and documenting it. If you want I could post it on tumblr Easter morning, and make your blog famous. Though perhaps St. John's Lutheran Church will not want the free advertising (or maybe they do).

Gorilla Bananas said...

Of course it meant come to church. The person who wrote that slogan probably hasn't come in the other sense since the Nixon administration. And "Beep, beep" is what the Roadrunner says, so that's another double meaning.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Fungus: You go right ahead and post that one, Jimmy. The world should know how dumb this church is.

Gorilla: I agree. The person who put up that sign has never came. Not once. And that's just sad.

Mr. Shife said...

Those wacky church folks making us giggle at their sign. Funny story about your mom. I guess she learned a valuable lesson. And I just want to make sure the intern in the story was not you. So was it Dr. Ken?

JerseySjov said...

the liquor store near my old house had great ones... my favorite was "Wine for Mother's Day: Because you drove her to it"

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Shife: It does sound like my brand of humor, but I guess it was an intern who she never would suspect a thing from. The perfect crime on his way out the door . . .

Jov: Liquor store signs would be fun to make. But a bar in Chicago had a sign on Pearl Harbor Day: "Celebrate Pearl Harbor Day with kamikaze and bomb shots!" Now, that's funny and all, but if you got a business, probably best to just keep that in barroom jokes and off of the sign.