Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wedding Knocks Kenneth Hard Off The Wagon

 I talked myself into allowing myself to skip one day of the Dry January for a wedding I was attending. I allowed myself to take in input from people, knowing full well no one was going to say, "Stick with it!" No way. Everyone was saying, "Oh you got a babysitter overnight and a hotel? Just drink, man! And they just said what I needed to hear. 15 Miller Lites and a couple edibles later and I was hungover for 2.5 days. 

So, I'm back on that damn Chuck Wagon. 30 out of 31 days of the month still wouldn't be too bad. I intentionally bought and intentionally drank my first six pack of non alcoholic beer tonight. I just wanted to feel like a man with my beer in front of the TV for a must win Bulls game. I opted for Beck's non alcoholic skunktastic crappola slop. Wow. Mrs. Noisewater said to me, "You never go with a green bottle." Dang, she's right. Heineken, Becks, and Rolling Rock are all yucky. They taste green.

Green Hell

You know what else? 45-years-old feels old. The other night we were watching that Peacemaker show on HBO and that actor from Terminator 2 was in it, the T1000. Mrs. Noisewater was like, "Wow! He looks old." I told her, "Yeah, he is old. That came out in like 1991, and I was 14. You figure he was was like 30 then. And I'm 45 now, so he's gotta be . . . God damn, I'm 45? The T1000 is old and so am I. He can't run like that anymore and I never could.

T1000 vs the T45

But, I think this not drinking thing is going to be good for my health. There are even abdominal muscles trying to poke through. They're like, "Hey, there's no IPA and greasy hangover fat in here, now's our chance to shine!" Sorry abs, your asses are going right back into hiding in February when I go right back to my horrible patterns. Or will I? I just need to assess at the end of this month.

The family is good. Desi is a wild man still. We came home the day after that wedding to a freezing home. We went into panic that something was broken, but nope. That little two-year-old impish gremlin turned off the heat switch in the basement. Erik is still hilarious. Tonight when I was tucking him in the top bunk he was in was creaking like crazy. I said, "What is that?" He goes, "That's just my weight. I'm Lord Humongous." I love when my kids say goofy stuff back to me that I don't even realize I say. Lord Humongous is the big bad guy in "Road Warriors" who may or may not have been into some homosexual S&M stuff, but I think he got the name for having bulging muscles all over the place.

Just. Walk. Away. and Just. Go. To. Sleep, Erik Noisewater.

Okay, I'm out of here. Hoping to keep up these basement posts every few nights. I need your support, Seven Readers. Let's keep each other motivated. I'm off to do the rounds on the blog roll. Let me know if there's anyone else I should be reading. I've been out of the game too long and have lost tough. Bye.


Mr. Shife said...

YES!! Another blog post!! Nicely done, Dr. Ken.
The non-alcoholic beers I really liked were German ones and I picked them up at some Deutschland deli shoppe.
Please tell Erik I enjoyed his comment.
Only 11 more days to go.
You can do it!!

Kono said...

As an expert in this field the edibles had nothing to do with your hangover lol!, in fact you should have saved them for your hangover, you'd have been better off :)

My last hangover was over 7 years ago... a graduation party where i downed copious amounts of Narragansett Beer (what Quint drank in Jaws) and ended up with a wicked hangover which lasted into the next evening (i only drank 8). As i heaved and hacked up my liver i decided right there that i'd never have another hangover again, as my old man said "you learn how NOT to drink." Now i'm Cali sober ;) which is a term i just learned, i got my medical card a few years ago just to really be on the up and up and because all the abuse i put on myself my knees and back are fucked so it really does help with the pain... i'm the king of heavy indicas lol! and of course it helps to have a mushroom hook up lol! i don't miss booze at all really, i like the occasional beer but i'd much rather imbibe my favorite plant in various ways (tincture in a cup of tea or just right under the tongue) or down some boomers or the new craze, mushrooms chocolates, your sons are younger so that might be a stretch but as they get older you won't have time for hangovers... trust me.

Mr. Shife said...

Hope you are still hanging tough, Dr. Ken. Only a few more days.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Shife: I let you down! I caved! I drank a ton at a wedding, and then I just said the hell with it and drank three last night for no reason. "It's over, man!" But, I do plan on scaling way back so I'll try that German NA option.

Kono: You're so right about the hangovers when you're a family man. It's just selfish. When I was in my 20's and hungover on the couch all day drinking gatorade and coffee, maybe even get drunk again to kill it off, fine, but when you got a family that's just selfish and destructive to be hungover too much. Glad your magic mushroom route is proving to be better.

Ufa88kh said...

Thanks for sharing and posting here in the future as well. I'm looking for some information online so it would be nice if you could share it here in your future post.