Don't you hate when someone tells you about a dream he/she had? It's never as interesting to the listener as it is to the dreamer, right? They're always like, "I was at work, but it WASN'T work." Yeah . . . That's fucking creepy! Let me free up my schedule so you can regail with all the boring-ass dreams you've had all WEEK! It's not like they're recommending a movie, and you can go out and rent this dream and see it for yourself. More accurately, it just sucks up a little time of your life you've now had to devote to listening to some meat head talk about crap going on in his subconscious mind, which is stuff HE/SHE needs to figure out, not you.

So . . . I had this dream the other night in which I was working on a campaign for a Black Republican running for a political position of some kind. Let me tell you right now that I HATE most everything Republicans stand for, and I don't think I'll lose any of my seven readers by saying that, and if I do, so be it. Actually, don't go Republican reader! I can get past the fact that you like Republicans, so long as you like what's important: ME.

Anyway, I find myself saying to this politician hopeful, who looks EXACTLY like Lovie Smith, current head coach of the Chicago Bears, "You barely won last election, but this time you're going to win by a LAND SLIDE!" All the while in the dream I'm thinking, 'What in the blazes am I doing here? I don't support anything these people stand for,' yet at no point in the dream did I get up and leave.
IMPLICATIONS: I tend to coast and flounder through life bitching about things, but rarely take an active role in changing matters, especially when it comes to making changes in my OWN life.
Now that I've sufficiently wasted your time, I feel I should make a recommendation, so that you've gotten something for your time.

LISTEN TO: The Misfits - I've been loving Danzig era Misfits stuff so much lately that I wore a Misfits shirt to a Christmas party, just because I got in the mail and was excited to wear it.
WATCH: Best Week Ever on VH1 - It catches you up to speed on all the shows, movies, celebrity gossip, and funny internet stuff for the week.
DRINK: 7 and 7 - I'm having a resurgence in this cocktail.
EAT: Pequod's Pizza in Chicago - They recently classed it up a little with some remodeling, which lost them some favor in my book, but they do still serve up one helluva slice of 'za.
I only enjoy crushing other people's dreams.
I like to think the dream was about Lovie bringing the Bears into Super Bowl XLI.
I would kill to dream about Ann & Nancy Wilson riding on unicorns singing "Barracuda".
That's it- I'm out of here
Good call on what makes describing dreams annoying. I've fully given up on ever telling people about my dreams (or aspirations!) b/c it's about as interesting as the blow-by-blow of on an acid trip.
So I was at home, but it wasn't my home right now, and I was with Mark, but then he became my mom and then my home became work, but it wasn't...
I would be totally devestated if we found out Lovie was, indeed, a republican!
I'd say lay off whatever it is you're eating last thing at night!
Don't think I've ever tried a 7 and 7 before though, can you enlighten us with the recipe?
Lori: That's always a good time, like when I thwarted my dad's attempt at being the 4th Pointer Sister.
Classy: He will bring us home a trophy, Republican or not. Ann and Nancy in their hey-day riding any mythical creature sounds good to me.
Newt: Damn!! I've lost Newt. Sorry, buddy.
Chuck: I've had the blow-by-blow on acid/mushroom trips from people, and yes, those stories REALLY suck. "Then the trees were like breathing, man . . ."
Pinkhobbit: Maybe he's in the Green party. Most burly, football player types are all about the environment.
Matt: A seven and seven is simply Seagrum's 7 (Whiskey) and 7-up (lemon/lime soda, doesn't have to be "The Uncola.")
I've got a recommendation of my own. Don't call it 'za.
Alannah Miles, she's so quick to diss on her first visit. Well, what can I say, I like to abbreviate the last syllable. Thanks for coming by, 'Nah.
Nah might be too quick, but she is right.
Oh and I love you, Dr. eth oisewater.
dr. kenneth - if you think you're really ready...go to pequod's in morton grove. it's considerably far away from everything you do, but it's the original, and undoubtably better. oh...and they're not interested in updating over there. it's the same whole in the wall i remember from my childhood. like in that dream i had...
and yes, i noticed that i wrote 'whole' as opposed to 'hole'. i'm on vacation, damnit.
wow.. it's like you live with me. You know how those "anonymous" tips to people with bad breadth got really popular for awhile, I wonder if I can send this blog to a few "friends" under an alias. Here here.
Lori: See, the suffix abbreviations are catching on!
Helper: You're on vacation already?! Mine starts manana. I'll have to check out the original Pequod's. Big ups . . .
Darci: Whatever I can do to help. I'd have to quit my job if I got one of those anonymous bad breath messages. You know, that would be a good way to fuck with a coworker you don't like. Send them one of those, even if he/she didn't have bad breath, and he/she would be all wigging out and self-conscious, and then you can swoop in and take his job, cubicle, and wife.
: )
you're right.. the bad breath thing would be an evil plot against bad co-workers. Hmmm.. who do I really dislike. Your response does remind me of one of my favorite "office" moments. Did you see one where they steal dwight's stationary and start faxing him letters from his future self. Holy crap - awesome. Merry Christmas Gancer :)
R2K: ( _I_ )
Darci: Hahahha! Never saw that one. I'm drunk and eating summer saugsage, so I'm glad nobody is around to smell the breath. Merry X-Mas!
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