1. It may read like a crystal meth addict** with AD/HD wrote this thing, but I'm not changing anything. It will be a stream of consciousness of goodness like Kerouac on "the crack," so you and I will just have to make do with what will more than likely be mixed results.
2. I know that I had an "I swear I'm not a sleaze" disclaimer for my last post, but I'm doing it again, damn it. I was wronged by a woman I loved, I had a real bad selfish phase, and I acted like a thoughtless, drunken child for a little too long. I'm all better now, but it would be a shame not to write about these days, right? I mean, it's therapeutic and cathartic for me, and it's, with any luck, damn interesting to you folks.
Cast of Characters With Names Changed to Protect the Innocent:

Delilah: This is the first woman I dated after my divorce for whom I had strong feelings. It was way too soon to like someone that much. I would feel weird when I'd open up to her, and then I'd clam up. She had some commitment issues at the time too, may still, and she'd shut down and get wicked distant, borderline cold, which was NOT good for me at the time. As tumultuous as our thing was, I was resolved to be in a committed, dating relationship with someone for the first time since my Devo, which is a hip way of saying divorce, as if divorce could ever be considered hip or anything other than shitty, awful, or awfully shitty.

Here's the worst part: About a week later Delilah broke up with me, I said "what the hell," and slept with Abigale after too many quarter beers at The Horse Shoe. Part of the moronic, sick-fuck thought process of mine was that I was somehow entitled to, not only because I was reeling from the break up, but because I white knuckled and blue balled it through that TP Debacle night, when I really didn't need to, since Delilah already was no doubt ready to dump me by the TP night. So, in my mind, not now but at the time, I was thinking that sticking it to Abigale would be, in a sense, sticking to Delilah. Abigale thought our quarter beer lovin' meant we'd start dating, but of course, I wasn't ready or willing, which I knew before I slept with her. It's quite sad actually. Sad for her, and sad for me that I would do something so downright shitty, just because I was hurting from the divorce, and then rehurting from the Delilah deal.
Midway through this thing I thought about not posting it, and usually when I have that feeling I'm right, whether it's someone reading getting pissed or myself feeling equal parts ashamed and stupid. Well, I'm posting it, because I've been going with an on again off again emotionally naked, cathartic, therapeutic writing style for some time now, and I think my blog buddies who have been in it with me for some time know me to not be the turd I once was. I'm going to get back to posts about silly stuff like nude field goal kicking and Flashdance, because I feel drained after writing this thing. Fortunately, I'm Drained enough to sleep, finally, so I'm off to catch a quick couple of hours of sleep before work. Thanks for "listening" everyone. Good night.
*Yes, I got the "handy-dandy notebook" from Steve on Blues Clues. I watched a lot of that stuff with my nephews. That guy did the least convincing running in place while the background moved, but I always gave him credit for being funny on such an F'd up show. Big ups, Steve.
**Just as I typed that sentence about typing like a crack head, I typed attic instead of addict. Yikes. Hey, when you were in junior high, did you ever ask girls to look down the front of their shirt and spell attic? "A titty I see (A-T-T-I-C)" I'm going to try it, but not in the work place this time. I'll leave that to Dyckerson, who, as an experiment, is going to try that gag on ten women at random next week. Best of luck to you, Dyckerson!
***The electrical storm before the crazy rain came down actually provided a beautiful backdrop during his surprisingly impressive set of the six songs I saw. It's something I'll never forget, much like The Tom Petty Debacle itself.
****One of my roomies is an editor and a real bright guy. He pointed out once that literally is overused, and often doesn't make sense the way people use it. For instance, "I was so hungry I was literally ready to eat my foot." No, not literally. If you meant that literally I'd call the funny farm on your ass cause you are a kook. Well, in reference to how wet we were, this time it's used correctly, because there honest to God wasn't a dry spot anywhere to be found, like we had just done fully clothed cannon balls into the neighbor's pool.
*****Sorry, mom, if you're reading. Yes, my mom reads sometimes and she's awesome. I'm more sorry about the overall content of this piece, but for some reason I'm sorry about the joint thing too. I swear I"m not a druggie, it's been over a year since I had the wacky tobacky, and I've never been a regular puffer.
Wow. This is like one big long episode of Oprah in a single post. I think someone needs a hug!
Oprah? I was thinking more Dr. Phil. No seriously, it's nice to hear honest thoughts from someone with a conscience. You rock, Dr. Kenny.
I litterally read this on my computer screen ( correct use of the word Litterally, although I think I am Litterally spelling it wrong) anyhow, I once had a chance to have sex with this very hot woman that was a friend, she was sending me all the vibes but she was also just post breakup with her boyfriend so I held back. but I Know I could have, but heres the thing, a week or so later I DIDNT get to hit it like you ended up doing, and now looking back it is a regret that I didnt take my opportunity when she was vulnerable. -- I didnt because she was vulnerable, but I did totally like her, and if I would have been more a man about it that Night, maybe we would have developed something... so all I am saying is sometimes you are damned if you do and you are damned if you dont, I regret my inaction now, and think it was too freaking chivalrous because Although it clearly would have been taking advantage of some vulnerabilities it might have gone on to better things so my intentions would have been legit...
If your Mom reads the comments section, then I am never commenting again. O, the embarrassment.
Plus, if I was ever to meet her,she'd think of me as the Sharter, wouldn't she, Dr. Ken?
Everyone has a Winnie.
Inchy: I know we just "met," but can I have a Clugman hug?
Allison: Honesty is the best policy. It's one of the only policies of mine I'd ever recommend. Thanks for coming by.
Casey: So true. Is it the sympathy points? The street cred that you WERE a man willing to get married? Hmmmmmmm.
Big Bill: Terrific point in your case, but my intentions would have been not so good. You ever look her up? Married?
Cherry: I don't think she checks out the comments, and only reads every so often. You're my favorite sharter.
24: Winnie Cooper was super-duper. <---Dumbest comment EVER on my part.
Urgh! That was rough, but I love your honesty.
I never condone girls getting sh*t on, bu tif any girl hanging out with you at the time didn't:
a) understand you were damaged goods and not to be used as an object of love and a long-term relationship ...
b) have enough self-esteem to avoid falling into said love with you, or get said relationship notions out of her head ...
you gets what yous gets ladies.
I like reading posts where the author of said post talks about having sex with 2/3 the number of women that have been in my bed. What was I doing in college? And why have I never smoked a joint? Damn you Dr. K for making me look at my life as a long list of wasted opportunity!
Huh. I think I'm going to have to research that. Street cred. Hmmm. I have a new strategy forming, instead of mentioning the marriage/divorce only at gunpoint, I'm opening with it. Of course, I will have three treatments:
A: Treatment will be apprised of former marriage and details of departure immediately.
B: Treatment will be slowly and mysteriously eluded to about possible marriage. Told by end of night.
C: Control. Not told at all and all former love subjects avoided like the plague.
Dr. K,
Honest posts are often the most refreshing. I appreciate your honesty and can relate to your experiences.
Looking into our pasts is human. We've all fucked up or made retarded decisions. Using those past experiences to become better people is the key.
We're all human. It's not the mistakes or bad judgments that make us who we are but rather how we use those experiences to change our future actions or decisions.
Live, Learn and Move on. You gotta let it go. Just don't do it again next time?
You may choose "it" to represent any part of the story that you choose.
I feel like I need a joint after reading that. lol, loved it.
November, actually.
I don't have anything witty or introspective to add or even a question. I just wanted to say that for some reason I enjoyed this post.
It was oddly comforting.
someone once told me that our 20's are the time of treating people like shit. after this last birthday i looked back on what i've done in my 20's and realized, he was right. friends, family, women... oh how i was an ass to the women. the worst part is, i look back on the ones i treated the worst and they are in such a good place now. so much better than if they'd have hitched their cart to this horse. though i've never been married, know how you feel. for the most part. sans devo.
I am a good listener, aren't I?
Sometimes it feels good to unload so hope you are feeling better. You are a good egg.
Am I a bad person for thinking what you did wasn't that bad? I mean it sux balls for Abigale, but shit happens... life happens... I'm sure she's learnt a very important lesson from the situation... I hope... damn I feel evil :(
Are you doing meth? Do we need to talk?
You know what I think? I think I love this post. Very rarely do I get to read something that is so honest. I love that your mom reads this sometimes, and I love that although you know she won't like certain things, you tell them anyway and then apologize because you care what she thinks.
I love the thing about literally because it is something that my 4 year old son and I talk about all the time...he is a big stickler for asking me "literally?" when I tend to exaggerate things.
I love the blue's clues thing, and I just love everything about this entire post (well, minus the part where you were hurting, because that just plain sucks).
Niner: I was wacked out on the stuff when u saw me sat. JK
Radio: Thanks! Your 4 year old is smart for KNOWING the word literally.
No need to apologize for your sexual deviances, we all do bad things. By "all" I mean everyone but SO. I gotta get that kid laid.
All this touchy-feely stuff is crap. Every adult knows exactly what the deal is when they jump in the sack with someone else. She might have turned around and said"Thanks for the sex, but you're not the guy for me". The chance of that happening is there with every shag. Enjoy 'em and be happy you got some. There's plenty of folk not getting any, you big girl.
It takes a man from Wales to state the obvious.
Treatment A responded, but was enormous. No go.
Treatment B responded very well, but was herded off by women I tried to convince her were not really her friends. No go.
Treatment C was not implemented in any serious fashion.
Treatments A and B are worth another shot. I think with a large enough sample size, I may really get some hard evidence.
Open ID sucks. that was me.
I thankew. *takes a bow*
yeah dude, our inner 20somethings will be out in force. i promise you that.
btw, everytime i land on your page i get biz markie... thank you.
I had to turn off the Biz Markie song while I was reading your post cause I was laughing to hard to concentrate.
I think we all go through an asshole period. It's the one's who don't regret it that you have to watch out for.
Chardsy: Please do get him some at any cost. Please do.
Ron: Sorry to lament about getting some. You must be one of the ones in the not getting some camp to be so hostile with your "girl" accusation. Sorry, buddy.
Inchy: You're taking the guy's side who said I'm a girl? If I can't trust Klugman, who can I trust?
Casey: Sometimes you're too smart for your own good, Mr. Wizard. Is it okay if I link your new page on my blogroll, or do you want to stay hidden?
Chudsy: That happens to me sometimes on my page. For a while it was I Was Made for Lovin' You by Kiss. Some of the songs on there I've gotten sick of as a result, but not that one. I can't believe Kiss made such a perfect song and then they got songs like Firehouse, where the chorus is, "Get the firehouse, cause you sets my soul on fire."
Cork: First off, see Chud's comment and my response to him if you'd like to know more about Biz. Second, you're 100% right.
I don't know what to say,when I see 33 comments I end up reading others responses and then I think I'm going to sound redundent so...
My Tom Petty Debacle consists of me wondering how he got so damn skeletor sexy.
I find it very refreshing that your mom reads your blog and your still open and honest.
Classy: He IS Skeletor hot! Hey, what was the name of Skeletor's bad guy Battle Cat/Cringer?
Ron: Okay, thought I was picking up on that. Hahhahaha.
Coconut: I'm a firm believer that if you let ANYTHING change how you want to write, than you need to look at that, and 9 times out of ten write right through that.
'Panthor' was Skeletor's big pussy cat.
Inchy: Don't know what made me check the comments on this old post, but you're right about Panthor. Thanks!
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