Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I had to get measured for a tuxedo the other day, and when the gal asked if I wanted to use the same measurements from my last measurement from December, I said that I'd like to get remeasured. Why? Because I have been pumping iron, so I'm thinking that my dimensions are going to be unbelievably huge now, right? When she was done measuring, I asked her if she could tell me how my measurements stacked up against December's.

The results?

Turns out only my neck got bigger.

That's just about the worst thing she could have said. If my waist went down or my chest went up, even if just a half inch in a favorable direction for either one, those would be good things, but my neck just getting fatter?

What a bummer, but I have worked out every day this week. Also, I have my first mixed martial arts training class on Saturday, so maybe I can put a dent in this fat neck of mine . . .


Heff said...

You probably gained muscle in your neck, lol.

Heff pumps regularly, and I can tell you from experience, it takes a LONG time to gain any noticeable mass.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Yea, I'm with probably built muscle in your neck. Ur cracking me up, a fat neck......hahahahahaha!

If I have to worry about gaining weight in my neck, I might as well just go end it all right now.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Heff: But I don't think I've been doing much lifting with my neck . . . Still, let's just say it's muscle.

Daily: Yeah, it's a little disheartening. I hate fat necks. Gobblers . . .