Saturday, January 31, 2015

The other night I met a friend of mine out for an adult pizza party with adult beverages, and I excused myself to use the little boys' room to wash my hands.  After getting done washing my hands I was thinking . . .

"Shit, just got done washing my hands, but now I gotta pee.  Terrible.  Okay, let's get it done.  Okay, done.  Do I really need to wash my hands if I just washed them a second ago?  Yeah, I do because I just handled my pecker.  You can't walk out there with dirty-dick hands and start man-handling all that pizza like a damn savage.  What's wrong with you, Ken?  Okay, we'll just wash 'em again."

It was then that I realized I wasn't thinking that stuff.  I had said it all out loud.  And there was a closed stall with shoes down there who belonged to a guy who heard my whole hand washing and penis touching conversation with myself.

Quit touching yourself, Blog Buddies, and get commenting.  How is everyone doing this fine evening?  


Fredulous said...

I talk to myself too. A lot. Most of my best ideas come from conversations I have with myself. I'm the only person that really gets me.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Gorilla: I'm sad to say I have seen that site. A fun premise, but I'm always worrying those guys will burn their wangs on that hot cheese.

Fred: That's true. But do you ever get sick of yourself when you're talking to yourself all day? That's a whole new level of self-loathing, but it does motivate me to get out and talk to other people besides myself.