The Deadbeat Facts:
1. He never held a job, choosing instead to consistently smoke pot all day, often with guys who looked an awful lot like Eric Stoltz and Anthony Edwards, and sometimes to the point where he couldn't feel his own skull.
2. He was a lousy student. He showed up late to class, once wearing a flannel with no shirt underneath and a bagel tucked into the front of his pants. On at least one other instance he ordered a pizza to his classroom, without his teacher's permission, to learn about Cuba and have some food. Yet another time he went along on a field trip when he wasn't even in the class to see cadavers because he thought dead bodies were "gnarly."

4. In the epilogue we learn that after high school he would save Brooke Shields from drowning, which is good, but he would later blow the reward money on the costs to get Van Halen to play his birthday party, which is not too good.

The Deadbeat Facts:
1. He was a high school grifter of the worst order, scalping rock concert tickets at school and at the mall with a keyboard scarf slung around his greasy, Italian neck*, sometimes trying to talk impressionable girls into going to Cheap Trick concerts when they didn't even like the band. He also was a bookie, a very stereotypical Italian American profession, and tricked his clients who didn't understand the unfair odds he was laying against them, and offhandedly told them about a spread only after the bet had been made.

3. In the epilogue we learn that Mike Damone would end up pumping slushies at a 7/11, unlike the non-Italian Hamilton who foiled a robbery and made assistant manager.
One can even look at the cameo roles in the film. Nicholas Cage has no speaking roles, but he can be seen both in high school and burger joint shots. Who is Nicholas Cage's uncle? Francis Ford Coppola, another Italian Amerian who made The Godfather, perhaps the film with the biggest legacy of Italian American Defamation. Think about it, man . . .
Your turn, seven readers: Tell me something you've seen in the media that portrays a group of people in a bad light that few people point out, or just tell me a scene from Fast Times that you like, not counting the part where Judge Reinhold is whacking it to Phoebe Cates because that is everyone's favorite part.
*There was no need for that greasy comment, but I couldn't resist turning it up a notch for effect.
every movie in which there are irish characters. every. single. one.
however, i am firmly convinced that the irish (myself included) are the only group of people that if you come up to them and tell the worst irish joke you know, will laugh with you, and one up you, while toasting you. try that with a black/asian/indian(feather, not dot)/mexican/jew/italian/polack/blonde/yo momma/battered woman. you'll be hard pressed.
what will you always find when you see four irishmen?
a fifth.
I've never seen that movie before.
I know, I know.
The Mike Damone character was totally underated. What a great, funny character.
this is america. last names don't mean anything.
my last name is ridiculously nordic but im mostly italian thanks to all the intermarriage and breeding of different types of white folks in my family's history.
I remember so little about that movie that you haven't already mentioned.
Chud: This is coming from an Irish American with Drunken right there in his name!
24: You have homework, young man.
Zibbs: Yes! He was real awesome. Why didn't he get roles in some gangster films or something? I can see him as a hood.
Jov: So we can't offend you with ethnic jokes with any specificness? Are there any mutt jokes?
Heff: The covers most of it. That and Jennifer Jason Leigh was a 15-yr-old ho, who later got railed on top of a firetruck in Backdraft.
Helper: He blew!!! Hahahahhahaha. I'll be using that one . . .
im pretty unoffendable, dr.
heblew... har har har. i am so using that tonight.
"But Dennis he called me a moron!"
"Bradley, you're fired"
The Trailer Of Love
I need to watch that movie.
Let's see. The Godfather movies kind of portrayed Italian-Americans, as... well... never mind.
"Lucky Charms" commercials portrayed the Irish as some kinda freaks. Or maybe just leprachauns.
speaking of the irish:
why did the irishman put 239 beans in his soup?
because one more would be TOOFARTY
jersey... i am actually loling at that right now. and now i'm off to tell moms that joke.
Please, smoking pot and ordering pizza doesn't make someone look bad! And I just used the Heblew joke - classic!!
All I can think about now is the Phoebe Cates scene. I do love the scene between Spicoli and his friend after they wreck Forest Whitaker's car. The friend say his brother is going to shit, my brother is going to kill me. Then Spicoli says well make up your mind is he going to shit or is he going to kill you. And then Spicoli also assesses the damage and says that his dad has an ultimate set of tools.
Jov: I'll just have to try harder. ; )
Chud: I used it today, too. It went over BIG.
Wil: "If you don't shut up I'm gonna kick 100% of your ass!" Every time I see that scene, I can't believe what an a-hole that customer is, and I'm as mad as Judge Rhinehold.
5000: Those commercials were bad for leprechans, the movie leprechans really gave them a bad name cause that one tried to kill Jennifer Aniston.
Jov: My sister loves that joke. This is your third visit! I need to drop by your blog and try to catch up.
Chudly: How'd that joke go over with mom?
'Donk: It takes some nuts to order a pizza to your classroom.
Shife: I like how he's dead serious when he asks if the guy is going to shit or kill. Sean Penn is nothing short of brilliant in that one. Dead Man Walking? Never seen it, but I can watch this one 100 times.
I guess the positive portrayals of young Italian Americans via "AJ Soprano" in "The Sopranos" and the Gotti kids in "Growing Up Gotti"--as enterprising Italian American kids who live off their own brilliance and ingenuity, and refuse to take a parental handout--was kind of Hollywood's way of paying pennance on this issue.
dude, both jokes went over great. moms died laughing, and as luck would have it she had a co-worker over that is off the boat from ireland, and she almost peed herself. and the heblew one was a hit at work.
Zen: Yes, that does help, but Spicolli and Damone have done too much damage. : )
Chud: That's awesome! Thanks for coming back to report that!
*puts arm around the doc*
dude, there's always next year...
sorry bud. i had hopes.
Groundskeeper Willy on the Simpsons is a cliche, but guess what? I know at least three scotsman that are exactly like him. One even has the wild red hair.
Chudly: Thanks, bud. It's not been a fun October for The Gancer.
Steph: Is this the Aussie Steph? Are you blogging again?
It truly amazes me that you bastards still remember dialogue from this movie.
Old but a classic:
Paddy was picked up on a rape charge. He was placed in a lineup with ten other fellows and the accusing woman was escorted into the room. Paddy jumped forward, and screamed "That's her! That's her! Oi'd recognize her anywhere!"
Most bizarre Irish joke:
Two Irishmen met and one said to the other, "Have ye seen Mulligan lately,Pat?" Pat said, "Well, I have and I haven't." His friend asked, "Shure, and what d'ye mean by that?" Pat said, "It's like this, y'see...I saw a chap who I thought was Mulligan, and he saw a chap that he thought was me. And when we got up to one another...it was neither of us."
Heff: It's got some great lines, man!
Zen: Taking jabs at the irish! Hahaahhaha.
Pistols: Hahahahhahaa.
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