. . . that some idiot is going to shoot Barack Obama.
Every time someone with any kind of potential to be moving, exciting, or revolutionary comes along, some asshole, in turn, comes along and shoots him. That's why we haven't seen someone like him in so long; after Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, John and Robert Kennedy, and even the Pope, for Christ's sake, got shot, nobody wants to make an impact, lest they get lit up by some hate monger with a rifle, a scope, and a bolt loose.
On election night, Barack plans to celebrate here in Chicago. When I heard that, I immediately thought that he would get shot that night. I didn't just think it, like, would if. I thought, "Oh no! Someone will shoot him," like it was clear to me that it is going down.
If he does get shot, I'm leaving the country. I'll let you guys decide if it's going to be Mexico or Canada because I can't go any farther on my budget. I'm just packing everything I own into my car and driving north or south. Which will it be, seven readers?
I keep thinking the same thing, but we can't think like that. Hopefully Obama and his vision will see it through the next 4 years.
Oh and always pick the warmer country.
Depends. Mexico if you like warmth and colorful decor; Canada if you like most things about America but want them to be better.
Whichever you pick, change your dollars over right quick.
Mexico. Not because of warmth, or quality of living, or healthcare or any of that jazz. The women are simply prettier south of the border.
here's hoping obama's got a kevlar suit.
Canada--no language barrier.
Why do you have to leave the country?
You just said, "shot," not killed.
Did you leave the country when Reagan got shot??
And don't say, "But I was six-years-old." That's just a cop-out.
why is everyone hating on Canada? Skiing, hockey, northern lights... It's pretty awesome. Or you could come to Alaska. The lower 48 only pays attention to our felon Senators & crazy ass Governors. And he'll, they give you money just for living here!
I meant hell - I don't know how to get my iPhone to stop automatically 'correcting' things...
Essent: You think that too? Scary, right?
Seq: You've summed up my quandry.
Michael: I'll just trade for stuff, donkeys and the like.
Polk: You like Latinas, huh? I can see that . . .
Jov: I was leaning that way . . .
Zen: Ronny was no hero in my book, but again, I was 7.
'Donk: Alaska is still a state of the union, no matter how remote, so it's out.
Mexica. And I'll go with you to translate.
They shoot Presidents don't they?
COLIN POWELL who could have been the first black/white president (Barak does have a white mother) decided not to run because his wife wanted him to live with their family.
Barack is a potential sacrifice, true and simple.We elected a Catholic in the sixties and they shot and killed his family.
I am apolitical but I will reveal this much about my politics. I really truly do not wish the assasians will find their next target.
Nut: I do love Mexico. I may need a translator for a little while, and then I'll be good. I actually am better with Spanish when I drink ...
I am all alone on this one, but I think Obama will LIVE--and there will be the worst backlash against him since LBJ.
He will not be able to deliver all the stupid stuff he promised (considering among other things the 10.5-trillion deficit.)
LBJ never recovered from the backlash and died on his ranch at 64.
We went from the greatest electoral landslide in modern history--to, "Hey hey LBJ how many men did you kill today?"
(On the war front, "Nixon Rule": You fail to withdraw in two years, you OWN the war. Ironically the war in Iraq might be called "Obama's War" in the history books.)
Zen: You're right that he has a lot to live up to, and you're right that a lot of people are putting all their stock in him. BUT, I'm just glad GW Bush can't be president again.
There be hot girls in Montreal.
Just say'in.
Unbon is right . . .
But, girls aren't the main consideration cause I got me a good one.
I'm going where the beer is cheap and it's always sunny. Mexico is the way for me.
But, I think this is your first comment, bud. Thanks for coming by!
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