It's going to be a one act, forty minute or so performance with only four principal characters. We're booking the theater this Saturday for two shows in January. I'm co-writing it, and I may have a real small part in it. Hopefully I'll just be co-writing because if I have to act in front of people I'll probably get the nervous shits.

I'd seriously love it if my first meeting with one of my long-time blog buddies was shaking his/her hand and having a drink with him/her after a performance.
More details to come.
In the mean time, here are a couple quick updates.
1. I'm going to see The Godfather on the big screen with my lady this Friday night.
2. The Cubs broke my heart. In my Michael Corleone voice: "I know it was you, you God awful Cubbies. You broke my heart"

4. What should I do for my upcoming 200th post?
Well, break a leg, on the play...
200th post?
I have no idea--Best Posts retrospective? Lame...
What would Don Draper do?
I mean, if there was an Internet in 1963...
Don Draper would probably to a retrospective of all the campaigns that got stolen from Sterling Cooper. I guess that would not work here...
All the chicks that got stolen from you?
I dunno...
Drink recipies??
Best Irish Joke Contest??
That's awesome that you're writing a play! What's it about?
200th Post: A big f*ck you to those who said you couldn't do it.
wow, a play. really? nice. i may have to swing down to chi-town to see this gig.
as for the 200th post... two words: full frontal.
just sayin'. i mean you got a lot of female readers here. i think it's time to give back. oh, and you should probably post a full frontal of your girl for us dudes.
just sayin'.
Writing a play seems like it would be way hard. Dialogue is killer. I wrote a "novel" once, and it was literally 90 pages of description of scenery and like, .25 pages of "hey, what's up?" So. A play would really impress me, is my point.
What to do with your 200th post? I say do the same thing you always do. No need to go overboard with it.
...though if your girl is down w/ full frontal, I'm down with Drunken Chud. Go for broke.
louie ck is very funny; im jealous of your tickets.
as for the 200th post...i dont know. i just hit my 100th and it was lame; im not the one to ask, really.
You know, I have no idea how many times I've posted. So, either I am lame, or you are lame...
Airfare from Alaska is going to be wicked expensive, so... good luck with the play! I expect a full blog recap!
I say numerical posts are usually just time to phone it in. Couple of boob jokes, links to your old stuff, and you're done.
Re: legitimate theater - nudity and adult situations never hurt a play. Also, good luck in the least lucrative art.
Zen: I'm not feeling any of those topics thus far, but know you, you'll be back with a few gems.
'Nut: The play is about love, loss, cheating, drinking, karaoke, and random funny stuff. Thanks for the well wishes!
Chud: I told Gancer Girlfriend that you think she should do a nudey shot, artistic of course, and she's considering it. By slapping me I assumed that was her way of considering it. If you could make it out from Michigan for the show, that would be tremendous.
Seq: I'm exactly the opposite. I'm all dialogue. That's why I have a partner to brainstorm with to make sure our play doesn't turn into awesome dialogue that goes nowhere.
Polk: Well, maybe if I tell her TWO people are interested in seeing some artistic shots . . .
Jov: He's funny as hell. I know it's going to be awesome.
Donk: When you are adding a new post, it shows all your old ones and the number of posts. Although, some of them are drafts, so that inflates the numbers.
Pistols: Boob jokes are good, like, "Did you see Dolly Parton's new shoes? Neither did she." Also, I know it's not lucrative, but that's not why I'm doing it. I just want to see actors saying lines that I wrote and people laughing at it. That's all the pay I need. BUT, if I end up getting paid, that's okay too. That crap about the satisfaction of a job well done is good too, I guess.
Do I count as a blog buddy? Can I come?
Of course! It would be awesome if you came! Don't bring the kids, though. It gets a little swarey.
200th post:
"Look Back in Anger: Why the World Was Not Yet Ready for My Tortured Genius, and How I Will Be Vindicated...Oh, Yes, I Will Be Vindicated, You Fools!"
(Too long??)
Oh snap! I'm jealous of the Louis CK tix. I love him.
And good luck on the play!
I'm impressed! And wishing your play were in New York. Maybe someday...
So did you just one day think, "Hey, I'll write a play! And hire a theater and have it performed?" Or has there been other playwriting leading up to this?
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