I feel like I have a lot of ideas through out the course of a day, most of which are totally stupid, impractical, and a little nuts, but occasionally there are some gems, such as "The Rocky Button." What is this, you may ask? Well, you know that feeling when you're nearing the end of your workout, skipping through songs on your MP3 player that will pump you up, but the lactic acid is bubbling up to your throat, and you feel like not even Jeffrey Dahmer chasing you with a knife and intentions of cutting off your head and pouring battery acid into your ears would motivate you to run any faster? That's when you hit the Rocky button, and voila! On comes the most uplifting song, at least for Caucasian America, of all time!

But, guess what?
Someone already thought of it. I burned a workout disc for a ladyfriend recently with "Gonna' Fly Now," and when I told her about this awesome idea I had years back, she said that it already exists - a button where you can set a certain song to play whenever you hit it.
God damn it.
This always happens to me. Why can't people just steal my
stupid ideas.
P.S.: This is a combination a bit of trivia and just something that occurred to me that I'd like to know: Do they ever mention how many pounds Rocky is giving up to fight Ivan Drago in "
Rocky IV"
Hah, you're in good company! Ringo Starr said that when he was in the Beatles he was constantly writing songs that someone else had already written. Hence there are only two Beatles tracks that are credited to him.
Gorilla: Have you seen "Dewey Cox: The Walk Hard Story?"
Ringo: I wrote a song about an octopus.
John: Shut the fuck up. You're lucky we still let you play the drums.
It's true. The best ideas have already been thought of, lol !
So true, Heff. Why even think? I'm just going to huff some paint and play video games.
If I can change, and you can change, everybody can change.
I hate when someone else steals your ideas before you think of them. Bummer!
I have an idea, but it's such a good one I can't believe it's not already implemented!
I loved the Rocky series when I was a teenager. Had big posters of the movies all over my wall.
OMG that Russian was married to me.. he was Russian right?
wait, like...thats something you can set up on an ipod? or walkman? whatever you old folks have? i sure as hell dont know about it and now im frantically curious
Donk: Rocky had all the answers to the Cold War.
Radio: It really is a bummer!! : )
Smack: Any of those posters have Mr. T. in them? Loved him the best . . . .
Just Telling: The character was Russian, yes. I'm not sure where Dolf Lundren came from, but he was also He-Man.
Jov: We did call tape players with headphones Walkmen back in the day because that's what Sony called them, but as an "old folk," I should start calling ipods that too. It's kind of fun . . .
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