Well, you be the judge. I did a search on google of whether or not he was a jerk or an asshole, and this is what I found. Now if anyone else searches, I hope this post is the first thing they find because I think I put this Asshole Assessment together quite nicely.
Here's a clip of him threatening to beat up a guy interviewing him just because he calls him an action star. He's doing it in jest but it's a little too much - Mark seems like a bully type that's not yet fully grown up.
Here he is saying that with all his boxing training in movies, he could knock out Manny Pacquiao if he could get in a sucker punch. Also, he says that he punched someone recently and fish hooked another guy's eye socket.
According to his biography on IMDB, this is where he came from:
Wahlberg dropped out of high school at age 14 (but later got his GED) to pursue a life of petty crime and drugs. He'd spend his days scamming and stealing, working on the odd drug deal before treating himself to the substances himself. The young man also had a violent streak - one which was often aimed at minorities. At age 16, he was convicted of assault against two Vietnamese men after he had tried to rob them.
Yes! Beating up minorities! I knew he was an asshole, but this extends to straight-up evil.

What got me on this quest was listening to his commentary in "Boogie Nights" where his phone keeps going off loudly and he never bothers to silence it and at another point he takes a call from his travel agent. The director of the film, Paul Thomas Anderson, had great conversations with the other members of the cast, all of them pointing out scenes they liked and elements of the characters, often characters that weren't theirs, that they enjoyed, while Mark Wahlberg just asked when it was over because he had to go, bitching about the movie being too long. With the other cast members, the conversation just flowed, but with Wahlberg, he had to be prompted to say things, and without fail he would let out a big loud yawn and talk through his yawn. Really, Marky Mark? You didn't know how long the movie was going to be, and once there, you couldn't muster up some enthusiasm or turn your damn phone off? Without that movie, he would
never be respected as a serious actor the way he is now, just a serious asshole, so the least he could do was act mildly interested.

Then during John C. Riley's, a much more talented actor, let's face it, portion of the commentary, he tells a story about how during the pool party scene, Wahlberg had his whole entourage with him, now made famous by the overrated HBO series, and he was testing everyone, seeing who would put up with his crap and who he could get a rise out of. People were pushing one another into the pool, but Marky Mark would do it to the same person four times just to get under their skin. Riley says that he doesn't have an angry streak, but he had low blood sugar from not eating and was tired of Wahlberg's crap, so when he got hit square in the forehead in front of everyone with a Marky Mark thrown marshmallow, he just lost it and attacked him. Good job, John C. Riley. Someone needed to stand up to the bully, so I'm glad you had that low blood sugar that day (Also, John is from Chicago so that makes him awesome. I really don't like that for his IMDB biography, the first line is "With a homely mug . . .")

I guess I wouldn't have gotten so mad about Mark being such a turd in the commentary if I didn't love this movie so much; "Boogie Nights" is my favorite film of all time, and when I hate the actor, it ruins the character for me. Dirk Diggler, or really Eddie Adams from Torence, was a sweet innocent kid swept up into a world of sex and drugs, latching onto Jack Horner, the director, and one of the female stars like a father and mother, whereas Mark Wahlberg just seems like an outright butthole. Hopefully with time, when I watch the movie, I'll just see him as Dirk and not the a-hole bully. After all, I was worried that all "Seinfeld" reruns would make me just think what a racist dumbass Michael Richards seemed like at the time, but now he's just Kramer.
Anyone have any thoughts on this guy or know of another celebrity being a jerk? How about one who is supposed to be a jerk but you found them quite nice/misunderstood?
He seems like an asshole. Especially if Adrian Greinier's character on Entourage is supposed to be based on him because Vince almost makes watching that show unbearable. Amazing that a show can succeed when the central character is a totally unsympathetic, privileged fuckwad.
Also, he is a terrible actor. He's always playing Marky Mark. And I will never call him Mark Wahlberg. He decided to be Marky Mark and try to rap when he first hit the scene, so Marky Mark he will always be. I just wanna see sweat comin' out his pores, I don't want to see him punching himself in the chest, trying to look like a bad ass in between speaking in that annoying halting way that makes it sound like he just got done working out. Which is probably what he wants everyone to believe.
Beck: Wow!!!! Just wow!!! I think you hate him much more than me, and this makes me feel justified. Thanks. : )
I totally get how not liking the actor kind of ruins whatever they are in for a while. I can't think of a specific example but I know that has happened to me before. The only thing I can think of is how much I hated New Kids on the Block and now the one guy (Danny? Isn't he Marky Mark's brother?) is in Blue Bloods, a show a friend of mine watches, and I couldn't help but be annoyed by the whole show because he was in it.
Radio: Danny is a pretty good actor - that's him at the beginning of Sixth Sense. I have nothing against him, but I think I hated him when I was 14 and all the girls like the New Kids and not me.
I got no good intel for you. My celebrity run-ins are few and far in between. I did cock block the guitarist from White Lion because he was being a doucher to my buddy. I met Pat Tillman and he was very genuine and nice. Have a good weekend buddy, and I hope Marky Mark remains just Dirk Diggler to you.
Shife: C-blocking the White Lion guy! Brilliant. Haha. And good continued use of the "doucher."
I had a run in with Marky Funkin' A**wipe Wahlnuts in L.A. one time, at a hotel... business meeting with another guy, sitting by the pool. Apparently him and his 'entourage' were hanging out at the pool bar, and for whatever reason started giving us crap, evil looks, they were ready to smack us around as we left through the hotel lobby. To this day I've always thought he's a bully, jerk, a**wipe with something to prove... what a punk!
When Mark was in SC making Renaissance Man, he carried on like a BULLY. I hope he has grown up.
I'm watching him on a T.V Show called Graham Norton. He's being a prick so just wanted to see if he had a reputation of being a knob... looks like he does
He came back again for a reprise, this time with Sarah Silverman and Michael Fassbender, and he was just as much of an arsehole.
He kept interrupting the two guests, outright insulted the third and kept dicking around with that young girl in the chair.
Grade A cunt by the looks of things.
Lol anon, I was watching him on BBCone too. The man is a right knob, sitting on the couch like a ponce. When other guests talk he doesn't look much interested. The man also keeps interrupting when other guests talk, he's always diverting the attention to himself. I saw the man on the show last time aswell, he was going on about when his daughter gets older, he would not let her go on dates with a boy unless he went with her to watch them. Creepy man. The man is 40 but behaves like a 12 year old! Hope the man matures.
My understanding is that he put the eye out of one of the men he assaulted (the assault was mentioned in an earlier post). Were I he, I would try very hard to find the guy and make it up to him big time -- maybe he has but that was not what I read.
I saw Mark Wahlberg yesterday September 16th, 2013 at a muscle and vintage car dealership in Carson CA called "Back in the day" around 2 pm. As I was walking to see a yellow VW wagon that was converted into a pickup he was walking toward his black V12 Mercedes Benz with his son and three men. I was surprised and waved hello and he waved back. I did not aproach him because he simply looked too busy in a conversation with an older man who was taller and I just had a feeling I would've been embarrassed or brushed off if I had dared to approach him while he was in conversation. I waited ten minutes literally 20 feet away from him to see if he would acknowledge that I was dying to meet him but he never budged. I imagined him thinking "yea buddy you're out of luck with me" but it was cool just getting a hello wave at least. And for the record I consider him an OK actor and only watched about five of his films fear a perfect storm the departed and that flop with Will Ferrell and the Italian job
The prick is like 5'2 or 5'3. He has small-man complex. He is also a terrible actor. Drives me nuts when people say otherwise. Ummmm...Planet of the Apes? Four Brothers? About a half dozen other pieces of shit. He sucks. I'd break his face if he ever gave me a look.
Hes fucking hot! And I love his accent ;-)
oh my god, just because someone looks okay doesn't make them a good person and his accent is annoying.
The episode you're talking about is why I started to look more into whalberg's history to see if he had a history of bullying. What a d**k! Almost every episode of whalburgers consists of whalberg bullying or belittling some one including his family and friends. Finding out how he really is is shocking and disappointing.
Yup that's what I'm watching right now. I cringe every time he speaks expecting just backhanded remarks and THINLY veiled insults. He's like a high school/college bully.
Some people never ever mature. I now just watched him just be an absolutely immature, sexist asshole to the girl in the red chair, not even listening to half of what she's saying. Lol I haven't watched his movies in the past and I will definitely continue that now.
Shortass wack actor and face like a clumsy beekeeper
You definitely made me a John C. Reilly fan!! Mark Wahlberg has to be stopped from playing The Six Million Dollar Man. Lee Majors, from most accounts, partticularly Legendary producer Harve Bennett, was a joy to work with, & took his approach to working with with crew members from Barbara Stanwick, who was also far from a diva. Sean Connery, mentioned on these comments pages, did have a bit of a temper. No denying. But he did have decent streak...inc. taking on 4 hecklers heckling sum talent show competitors...singlehandedly. And winning (which Michael Caine witnessed). He's also famously reputed to have disarmed and decked Gangster Johnny Stompanato!!
Roger Moore. another 007, has done a lot of work for unicef...something which Tom Hiddleston is now involved with.
Christopher Reeve showed just what true superhuman resolve he had . . . when paralysed for life.
My point? I like the actors who play my favourite heroes to have something in common with those heroes.
Mark Wahlberg shames himself further by asking for a pardon to what he did to those two vietnamese men - one of whom, tho vietnamese, fought for America during Vietnam war. That's right, as well as beating the other with a heavy stick while he was on the floor, he punched a one eyed war hero in the face - who was also a minority.
Wahlberg recieved no jail time for these assaults. Effectively less than a slap on the wrists.
The campaign to stop this corrupt non entity playing The Six Million Dollar Man . . . start now.
Cud u start up a petition? You have my name, now. Sean Wroe.
I don't think he is much of an asshole as you all make him out to be. Have heard numerous fan interactions and were all very positive. I watched the Graham Norton show and he sounded like he was drinking a bit much. As far as the girl he kept flipping back in chair he was having fun with her and actually said at the end he liked her persistence and she was cute/attractive.
I have just seen recent interviews on him. Cant comment on his past. Maybe he was a twat waffle but I believe people CAN change if they want to. I believe he has. Believe me if he was that big of an asshole still I wouldnt even support him like I stopped with Ryan Reynolds and JLo (only thing that kinda helps her she is friends with Leah Remini and that is my girl right there)
Met him several times from early on to when he was acting cool guy. Down to earth and his cousin was a cool guy as well. Only good things to say about him. was very cool to me.
The newest story that came out shows just how much of a violent greedy egotistical asshole this guy is never will I watch any movies with him in it. I'm not a violent person but he really needs to be kicked with a steel toe boot.
It's early 2018, many years since the question was asked. Recent events in the world of cinema have added a big red tick/check to the "YES" column. Having locked "All the Money in the World", Ridley Scott was presented with a dilemma in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations made against the movie's star, Kevin Spacey. Scott decided to re-cast the J Paul Getty role with Canadian stalwart, Christopher Plummer and take on the considerable task of re-shoots.
Mark Wahlberg, star of the movie, had co-star approval power in his contract. He approved the casting, contingent on a $1.5 million bonus fee, which was, of course, accepted. Co-star Michelle Williams, whose initial fee was under half of Wahlberg's BONUS fee, re-shot all her relevant scenes for per diem, which amounted to about $1000. Obscene. Yes, Wahlberg is a gaping asshole.
I looked up “is Mark Wahlberg a jerk” and this post came up! You have succeeded!
Me too
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