Wednesday, October 05, 2011

We Had Nothing Else of Better To Do at the Bar the Other Night . . .

. . . so SO@24, a guy I never met but knew from blogging and IM'ing, and myself recreated the image of the Hall and Oats classic album cover from 1982, "H2O."

It required getting very close to one another and staring extremly gayly into one another's eyes.

Here's the original:

After taking our own picture, seen below, my girlfriend, the lovely and talented Miss LSD, photoshopped it to look as red and stupid as the original. I got the blond hair, he's got the black. Sure, he's half Asian and has no mustache, but it's pretty damn impressive. And gay . . .

It's amazing how he and I and Chardsy, a gal who we had long IM conversations with like 3 years ago, hit it off so well in person and spontaneously did stupid crap like this. This sort of weird stuff keeps me laughing and happy.


Heff said...

NICE, but you cats didn't have any "facial sweat" going on like in the original shot.

Perhaps you guys should have done some DEEP CARDIO first, like I'M SURE "Ball & Scrotes" did in the eighties together, LMAO !!!

sybil law said...

Maneaters, both of you!

Gorilla Bananas said...

That's the way two gay men look when the Elvis impersonator pronounces them husband and husband.

Mr. Shife said...

Definitely gay - not that there is anything wrong with that - but most definitely gay. And funny too.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Heff: Yes, the sweat really would have made it. We could have used the water from the bar. Damn . . .

Sybil: Yes. We only come out at night.

Gorilla: It certainly does reek of the gayness. In a hot way.

Shife: Yes. As funny as it is gay, at least I thought.

So@24 said...

We're both not even close to being intense enough. Dammit. Back to the drawing board.