Sunday, October 14, 2012

Searching Through My Phone for Topics

It has been too long since I have posted, so I'm looking through the notepad function on my crappy flip phone to see what I jotted down that I thought would be funny.  It probably isn't at all funny, but the fact that I jotted down something that makes no sense will hopefully be interesting onto itself.

Let's see . . .

Better name for a man's genitals, you make the call:

The greatest hits is more like the genitals' accomplishments

Or does this only work for Black beans and franks?


Heff said...

Slightly off topic, but...Huey Lewis has a GREATEST HITS ALBUM ???

I'm guessing it's the same tracklist from that ONE ALBUM that he released EVERY DAMN SONG off of as a hit single....

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Heff: Most of the hits came from the two discs for sure. Balls.