Monday, June 24, 2013

I had to buy some BBQ sauce at the store the other day, and I just couldn't pass up Captain Curt when I saw his smiling, friendly face.  Also, notice that he is going for a superhero look, like Captain America, yet he opts for the cheapest looking cape of all time.  It lists a Chicago phone number, so I just texted him to thank him for the awesome sauce (which I haven't actually tasted yet so can't say if it tastes awesome) and the outstanding picture.  We will see if he texts back; don't think it's a land line.  Maybe we will end up hanging out this weekend, me and Curt, perhaps catch a movie or something.


Michael5000 said...

I think we need an update on sauce quality here?

Cocaine Princess said...

I've never seen that brand before at least not up here.

Hey, here's to hoping he texts you back!!

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Michael: Haven't opened it yet. Suggestions for a BBQ dish?

Coke: Oh, I don't think he has gone world wide yet. But he has plans for world BBQ domination . . .