Some of you may know that I live with four other dudes, so I thought you all might get some insight into The Gancer by learning about who he lives with.

Master Bedroom (Upstairs): He works with computers. I'm not sure why this guy moved from the suburbs to the city, since he rarely leaves the apartment, or even his room for that matter, but he's a really nice guy. I will say, however, that he is slightly more outgoing than his black, very skiddish cat, who has never ventured downstairs.

Bedroom Adjacent to Mine (Upstairs): He's also in computers. This guy has been mentioned in a couple of previous blogs, and to be honest, I could easily update a blog daily that would be just about him. Last night I thought I was going to have a snow day at my job, so I drank a bottle of wine. Much to my dismay, I had to go into work with a
whopper headache. Bedroom Adjacent to Mine drank half a
handle of jack, woke up earlier than me, and he felt fine. I worry about him sometimes, and I wish he'd make some lifestyle changes, and lighten up on the explosive anger, but he's a loveable guy and a good friend.

Downstairs Bedroom: He went to any Ivy League school and now works for a publishing firm. Currently, he is really excited about a manuscript he's reading about murderous, hedonistic, sex-crazed wearwolves. I like him because he's a good guy, but I also like him because he has a quasi-girlfriend who's always cooking marvelous dishes, that we occaisionally get to part take in, like the badass shepheard's pie she made on Sunday.

Downstairs Double Door Bedroom: He recently moved here from California, and he now works downtown as a recruiter/head hunter. Great guy to hang out with, but I'm having to face the harsh reality that, despite the fact that he's younger than me, he's like the big brother I never had, kind of like Wayne on The Wonder Years, in that he's flipping better than me at everything from basketball to volleyball, both of which I'm painfully reminded of every week, since I play on teams with him, and his skills even exceed mine in the area of crossword puzzles. Come on?!!?
Well, you now a little about all five of us, since if you've read more than an entry or two, you know, perhaps a little more than you'd like to, about the misfortunes, mishaps, and misdemeanors that have shaped who The Gancer is today. An added bonus is I can post these descriptions on Craig's List to give prospective roomies some insight. Perhaps not . . .
But you're the hot, smart roommate though, right? ;-)
It's a wonder that an excel spreadsheet coupled with a bottle of Jack didn't scare some of them away. You should post that on Craig's list, but balance it out with ample access to Seattle Sutton's.
Super insightful, thanks. I barely leave my room when I'm home, b/c I have having roommates. Maybe that's the black-cat guy's problem, too.
I might need to meet your headhunter roomate... to help me find one of those new things I am looking for (j.o.b.).
Five guys living together, eh?? And only one of you has a "quasi" girlfriend??
I hate to tell you this, but you're all gay.
Rev: Yeah, I suppose so, given the recent turn of events, I imagine Downstairs Double Door Room is hotter and smarter.
Classy: Yeah, that was some orientation. I think I'm taking over for Adjacent if there's any more roomie orientations.
K.I.D.: Maybe you and Master Bedrooom would hit it off. Do you like cats?
Niner: Bring a resume to the next Liar's Club meeting. I'll pass it along to Downstairs Double Door.
Mighty: I thought all straight guys lived with four dudes who all watch the Ice Capades together? Actually, we're looking for a 6th roomie. Do you work out regularly?
Grrrrrrr! I already commented here once! I agree with reveree, you must be the cute one. :P
I think you should get custom-made costumes and the five of you go out in the city, fighting crime together.
That manuscript for the murderous sex-crazed wearwolves sounds like a sure fire winner, and I'm sure you'd be perfect for the leading role!
Wow! This sounds like a frat house and not a roommate situation.
Throw in a female nymphomaniac and you got yourself a hit show on HBO.
nSteph: Thanks! I try.
Jay: Crime fighting is a good call. We're going after jaywalkers first, so use the crosswalks, especially you, Cherry Ride!
Matt: Yeah, I got murderous and sex-crazed down . . .
Pud: Sometimes it is a little frat houseish, that's why I need to start saving for a condo.
Shife: Throw in one of those and all 5 of us would be a lot happier.
Yummy. Post pillow fighting pics soon
yeah, I was gonna say we need to see some pictures.
That way we can decide which one of you is the cute one. ;-)
Smack: Just no pillow BITING picks.
Pissy: Isn't it obvious? Actually, I'm responding to this comment months later, and now there is a new fireman guy who is the cute one. I do okay, but it's tough to compete with a fireman.
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