A friend of a friend was on his way to the bar, and he texted "I"m almost there. Have a shot of Rumplemintz waiting for me at the bar." To me, that's like preordering your nausea, but to each his own. This made me jot down an idea into the memo thingy on my phone: "A shot called the Rump Roast." It seemed way more funny to me at the time, but I don't have anything else to post today, so screw it.

Perhaps one of those new "Baconized" alcoholic beverages ?
You can baconize alcohol? Can I have my wang baconized? How does baconization work? . . .
To the internet!!!!!!
Oh, you can baconize anything if you really want to. And why wouldn't you want to?
Hmm, my word ver is "shakemi." And to that I say, "All night, word ver. All night."
Beck: Baconizer should have been a Transformer. A bad guy - Decepticon for sure.
A Rump Roast, huh? Perhaps Rumplemintz and some Beefeaters. Oh gawd that would be awful but that is the first concoction that came to my head.
Shife: Great idea!!! Maybe the two mixed with something to make it not so awful, or maybe just drinking a shot of each in succession.
just light the rumplemintz on fire.
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