A few years back, I had a my very own cab driver named Moe, and people thought that it was strange. Actually, it was quite handy because he was able to pick me up wherever I was in the city. In fact, one time he even gave me passes to a nudey bar. I didn't use them, but I thought it very nice of him. Another time I convinced him to come in for a drink with me. There was a girl there who just about everyone who was watching told me that she really seemed to be digging on me, but I was more intent on making sure Moe was having a good time. Oh well . . .
Now my guy's name is Romeo, which is great because when I'm waiting for him, I can say "Romeo, Romeo. Where for art though, Romeo?" So far he hasn't let me down.
So, next time you have a cool cab driver, ask if you can take down his number. They usually appreciate the business, and you might even get a nudey pass out of the deal.
Moe hated us at first, if I recall. Good old Moe.
Wait, Moe from Morocco? With the long-time girlfriend that he was always putting off marrying?
Moe "when I first come to this country" Moe?
Or a different one?
If "Moe" was his last name, I certainly hope his first one wasn't "Ho".
Sis: Moe? You're the one who first hailed him, right?
Joe: That could very well be him . . .
Heff: He was a one name guy, like Cher.
This has nothing to do with the post, but I posted that Oran 'Juice' Jones song last week and you didn't even come by to show your appreciation.
Oh, I'm on my way . . . .
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