Thursday, May 19, 2011

You Know When You Think of Something In Your Head and Laugh, Making Someone Around You Think You're Nuts? . . .

. . . Well, I have done that a couple times with the girl I'm seeing who you may know by the name of Law School Dropout.

The first instance came when we were lying in bed and I started cracking up laughing a little. Then the more I tried to stop it, I just totally lost it, which made her laugh. Don't think I'm an asshole, please, but I was laughing thinking about having seen a goofy kid trying to do push-ups earlier that day. My friend, Gung Ho, was scoring how many they could do, and by the time it was this kid's turn, this second grader had watched at least twenty youngsters perform the act. Yet, for some reason, he arched his butt way up in the air, crouched up like a frog, and slowly attempted to make love to the ground. First the other students started to laugh. I tried not to laugh myself, but when Gung Ho through his head back in the air and laughed uncontrollably, I lost it too. I guess you just had to be there . . .

The second time I laughed to myself like a dumb-ass, I was, again, lying in bed with Law School Dropout (LSD?). Earlier that day, I had been at a meeting with the scuzziest man of all time who was fillbustering the hell out of all of us with random dumb crap, disagreeing with everyone and being rude. I say scuzzy because he wears dirty clothes, smells like cigarettes, has the longest dirtiest nails ever, and his laptop had missing keys, stains, and his gum stuck on it - saved for post meeting chewing, perhaps? As he's pointing his fingers to the group, with his dirty and long gross fingernails quite close to my face, he was saying, "I'd like to propose blah, blah blah," and all I could think is, "I have something to propose. I propose this gross sonuvabitch cut those nails and perhaps even clean them!" I guess I laughed out loud thinking about that because I was picturing myself actually saying that and the people's reaction to it. Actually, I damn near blurted it out, to be honest.

Any of you ever do that? Anyone have a name for it?

This post is probably full of typos and things, but I had to do it quickly before falling asleep. Maybe I'll giggle to myself in a minute, and if so, you'll read all about it tomorrow . . .


Aubree said...

i literally do this every day. usually in class. silent ones, where only the teacher is lecturing.

oh and i can't do pushups either, that kid was probably better than me.

Gorilla Bananas said...

I'm always doing it. It's like watching a re-run of your favourite TV show in your head. Usually I just smile rather than laugh out loud.

Radioactive Tori said...

I laugh all the time, and most are about imaginary conversations or things that would have been hilarious if they had actually happened. The worst was on my kids field trip the other day and the lady running it just did so many things that made me laugh when I thought about them. Unfortunately I didn't laugh as much when she did/said them as I did later when I thought about them so I looked like a total weirdo. The kids thought I was the "cool mom"so I guess I'm fine. 5th graders are pretty forgiving.

Hopefully someone will suggest a good name for this because I can't think of anything.

BeckEye said...

I do this all the time. Or I go on laughing jags and can't stop and when I finally calm down enough to tell people what I was laughing about, they're always like, "That's not funny."

BeckEye said...

As far as what to call this, I don't know. Laughsplosion? Snickeruption? Guffawmit? Gigglegasm?

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Aubree: Well, even if you couldn't do a push-up, there's no way you could do them as goofy or as creepy as this guy was.

Gorilla: Yeah, but random smiling can be embarrassing too. Awesome . . .

Radio: I got nothing too, but I like Gorilla's re-run notion.

Beck: Gigglegasm isn't bad because it's inadvertent, like a Big O.

Corie said...

yes...i have done that...usually on the El thinking up mean and clever names to call the weirdos

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Corie: You should just fire all those names out one day. "Pardon me, guy who talks about important business decisions on his phone but I suspect is faking it. Oh, and after you, homeless guy that may or may not have crapped himself. If you're just going to ride the train aimlessly, why not just stay in one place, so that we don't have to share cramped quarters with you?"

Mr. Shife said...

I only do it during funeral services, church, and jury duty. Other than that I am a perfect gentleman.

Andrew said...

Pfft. I do this all the time. Don't have any specific examples to provide, but this has been known to happen while praying in a group, in church, & in class.

JerseySjov said...

this happens to me quite often. and its NEVER something that's actually funny...

well, no. the one thing that always always always makes me laugh out loud is remembering the one time i heard my mom fart... she bent over to open the oven to check on dinner and a little poot came out.
and now im struggling to control myself at the library. ahahhaha

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Shife: Those three you mentioned are the hardest not to stop laughing. I want to laugh at a guy getting a life sentence in a courtroom.

Anroo: Prayers are funny. They make me laugh. Mine would be funny for sure. More people should let me say grace.

Jov: Your mom checking the oven and letting loose a fart is for sure funny, and I don't even know her.