Here's the new bike. Isn't it bitchin'?

I love my new bike, but I might like riding too much. The thing is, when I run or bike I often get it in my head that I have to go to a certain long route I decide upon, and then anything less and I'm a big puss. So, I head down to the lake, take it north until the path ends, go all the way back south to the Shed Aquarium to peek in on the beluga whales through the glass (today was feeding time!), and then head back home, leaving my legs completely cashed out and I'm ready to sleep at 9:30PM. Sure, it's too much, but if I don't make it all the way, it's like I'm letting the Belugas down.

Here's a picture I took with the aquarium on the left and the skyline (this city is beautiful . . . When it's warm out).

I didn't take this picture, but how cute is that big, white sonuvabitch?
I just think it's interesting that an animal so full of blubber is motivating me to stay skinny.
i disagree with the adage "as easy as getting back on a bike!" a couple summers ago my friend and i rented beach cruisers and i hadn't ridden a bike in years. i almost fell over several times and rode into traffic because i couldn't figure out how to stop. FAIL.
oh yeah and beluga whales, they are cool
I do the same thing with running and I used to do it with swimming too. One time I was talking to a friend and I said "and then I had to stop running after 6 miles because I am a big baby". She could not understand why going 6 miles when I wanted to go 8 was a failure and made me so mad. Once I get an idea in my head of how far I want to go, that is what I HAVE to do. I get it.
Bicycles and Beluga whales. Does this portend a New Green America? And are you a New Green American?
a friend of mine once laughed at me [5'6"] as i struggled to ride the bike she essentially forced me to borrow that belonged to her brother [6'7"] while she [5'10"] was on her own. what a bitch.
arbitrary motivators are sometimes the best. you cant say exactly why you feel like you're letting the whales down, but that means you can't give a good reason to stop
Aubree: Quite true. It's like riding a bike, unless you haven't ridden in really, really long time would be a better phrase.
Radio: It makes sense that you get it, being a distance runner. Kids don't get it. I'm coaching track, and I can't explain to them how it's SUPPOSED to hurt.
Gorilla: Maybe so. Bike to Belugas could very well save the planet. Captain Planet Noisewater . . .
Jov: Yeah. I just don't want those whales to stop smiling if I blow it. So damn cute . . .
I've got to get my bike back from my parents' house since I live less than a mile from where I work. It's pretty pointless to drive that distance.
Also? Every time I see beluga whales anywhere I always think about them getting killed. They just seem so defenseless.
Andrew: wow. u might be a psycho for thinking that. hahahhha
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