. . . You're waiting to use the self checkout thing at the grocery store, and the guy in front of you has a million items, and he's searching for turnips on the little screen thing. Just tell the machine they're tomatoes, and ring up your shit, asshole. Right?
I know they are trying to be technologically advanced and crap, but if you can't be quick, go through the regular line.
just my opinion of course...worth about a half a cent...but it's yours if you want it! :)
"You say tomato....."
the worst is when that guy is an elder member of society and doesn't know how to properly use the technology.
i think apples are always the cheapest thing you can buy, so for the self checkout you tell the thing you're buying a butt-ton of apples.
what prompted the new header picture?
Lyn: Glad we are in agreement. Props.
Heff: What have you been up to? I miss the blog. : (
Blame: Yeah, I'm a youngish man, and I try to go fast knowing there are folks behind me. I panic looking for those bar codes . . .
Jov: Butt-ton of apples. Got it. You could always plead ignorance if you get busted. New head picture was just trying to find a pic that would work as a banner. I'm not in love with it.
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