Rule #34: Generally accepted internet rule that states that pornography or sexually related material exists for any conceivable subject (from These two searches putting this rule to the test provided some great material. Perhaps our hosts, Dr. Ken and
Crom, were getting "looser" with the cocktails because they seem to be really on in these two selections. As always, hit pause on the music player to the right to hear the commentary.
First off, Cr

om decides to do a search for "
water slide porn," and while they didn't find any such things on the web, they did find out about "
water slide camel toe," which is hilarious in its own right. Also, it seemed like the
Internet really didn't like the notion of porno and
water slides and combinations there of because everything seemed to crash around this time. However, Dr. Ken and
Crom fixed the connection, and they were ready for their next search . . .

. . . which was "gargoyle porn." This was easily the best movie found during this project, and it had very high production value and solid makeup jobs. Those gargoyles were angry and really going to town on that poor gal! This was a tricky one to call because the fellas seemed to be more just statues than gargoyles, and as
Crom pointed out, they had no claws or wings. But, because they were painted a statue color, they were on a clock tower, and they were really mean looking, our hosts decided to deem it "gargoyle porn." The idea of providing links to porn is not what this site is all about, but you just have to see
this thing to believe it - if you're over 18 that is.
For some reason (cocktails!) the boys lost track of how many searches they had done, so there are a few more searches beyond ten for a total of around twelve or so. Stay tuned, you sick bastards!
Their cocks looked pretty human for gargoyles, but I guess you can't have everything.
I don't get it?
I think I need to scroll down to #34.
BUT I did tune out to Michael Jackson's Working Day and Night.
That was a very good thing.
Gorilla: Yes. Flesh wieners and no stone cum as promised. Still, hilarious vid.
Candy: Thanks for the head's up on that. Now I posted the definition at the top of all the posts in this series for clarification.
Waterslide Camel Toe.
That's poetry right there. HI-Larious. I love these blog posts.
And then the gargoyle porn? OK, stop with that. I was too turned on. I yelled out "flying buttresses!!!" when I was at my peak point of pleasure.
You have amazed and astounded me with this series of posts. I mean, before this movie were there men sitting around saying to themselves, “You know what would be hot, gargoyle porn. I need some gargoyle porn to get off right now” because I just can’t imagine it?
I'm speechless. In a good way.
Now I know what I want for Christmas...
Happy Thanksgiving Dr....Oh everyone loves a love Dr.
Scott: Yeah, when you need gargoyles to get your rocks off, you're watching too much porno. Thanks for the compliment! Love your page too. : )
bschooled: Should I mail you a waterslide or a gargoyle for x-mas?
Just Telling: That would be me. It's an honorary doctorate for years of "service."
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