Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Okay, I Got One More . . .

. . . to add to the previous post's list of crappy things in my apartment.  I hate using ice cube trays.  They suck.  I'm always squeezing them to get the cubes to pop out, but then sometimes I miss them and they fall on the floor.

I really hope no third world bloggers read this page.  They might not empathize with me.

Hey, remember in "The Stoned Age" when they pee in the ice tray?  If not, skip to 29 minutes . . .


Gorilla Bananas said...

Try squeezing them out into the kitchen sink, after bathing the back of tray with warm water.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

ewww, right in the dirty sink? i'll just pee in them.

Radioactive Tori said...

When we first moved into our house we had to do the ice cube tray thing. I hated that so much. I finally installed an ice maker in our freezer. It's better but the thing to tell it when to stop making ice because it's full doesn't work. Every time you open the freezer tons of ice falls out all over the floor. That means I have to clean up ice all the time because kids do not notice when like 50 ice cubes fall onto the floor in front of them and just leave them. They swear they don't notice. I kind of think I may have been better off with the trays. Or, you know, with kids who pay better attention to that kind of stuff. Or really an ice maker that isn't sightly broken would be best.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

they must have no sense of sight or hearing to not notice ice falling all over the floor. that or they're just lazy and okay with mom picking up after them. : )