Sunday, February 24, 2013

I was driving home late tonight from an Oscar party at The Uncle's place, and an odd fellow was crossing the street in front of me.  It is a freezing Chicago night, yet he had on no coat, just a white turtleneck.  He was listening to headphones and looked very, very drunk.  Then he started stretching his arms out and looked as if he was psyching himself up for something big.  Sure enough, he started skipping.  Next he turned a couple of cartwheels!  This guy was on something really good.  By the looks of it, his Oscar party was better than mine. 


Heff said...


I didn't realize you were part of the Hollywood Elite.

bschooled said...

For some reason the fact that he was wearing a white turtleneck bothers me more than the cartwheels...

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Heff: It's not what you're thinking. It was a cooler of beer and some pizzas.

BS: Yes. That was super disturbing. When it's cold enough to see your breath, put a damn coat on.