Sea of Love (1989) starring Al Pacino and Ellen Barkin? Al plays a detective who goes undercover answering dating ads to catch a woman killing men, which is when he meets the incredibly sexy Ellin Barkin. I love this movie, but hardly anyone I have ever known has seen it.

Oh yeah, it also stars John Goodman, who a friend of mine met once, and apparently he has a head of gigantic proportions. I was at a barbeque when he told me this, and to illustrate the immensity of Mr. Goodman's skull, he said, in his St. Louis accent that was somehow almost Canadian, "It was the size of that propane tank over 'der."

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is not to tell about a portly actor's head but to say that that this film was the performance of a lifetime for Ellin Barkin because, as I said, she's sexy as all get out, but if you look really, really closely, she is not all that attractive. Yet, that doesn't at all stop her from being undeniably hot. So, without the benefit of natural good looks, like so many other leading ladies, she manages to exude nonstop sex appeal in every one of her scenes, and to be fair, her acting is quite good here too.
Can you think of any other actors or actresses who are hot despite not being all that good looking? I'll spot you Benicio Del Toro.
Nope, haven't seen that one.
Easy. Anna Paquin.
Marlee Matlin.
Bette Davis.
Brittany Murphy.
Tommy Lee Jones.
Audrey Tautou.
Hugh Laurie.
I'll think of more.
Joe: Wow. You were the right guy to ask.
you have to realize that hot, cute, attractive, beautiful, etc, are all different.
like that episode of the office where they try to determine if hilary swank is hot or not. "she is a beautiful hollywood actress" "yeah, she's a beautiful hollywood actress, but is she HOT?"
Does "hot" mean I'd want her to...um...you know...
Jov: Yes, there are for sure distinctions. Jennifer Garner is an example of "cute." Is that her name? The one married to Ben Affleck. I spelled his name wrong too. Who cares though, right? They're not worried about spelling my name wrong, so why should I worry about them?
Jessica: Yes. Exactly. Hot means you want to get "all up in 'dem guts." Thanks for coming by. : )
Haven't seen it. And to Heff, you're either HOT or NOT.
....hanging around listening to the GROOVIN' bassline in "The Jeffersons" theme song....
Ed Helms! I would rip the clothes off that boy. Although, if he weren't so damn funny I don't think I'd feel the same way. So, maybe that is a different distinction? But I don't think so, because it's all about the attitude with Ellen Barkin. Also, Billy Zane, Willem Dafoe, Helena Bonham Carter, Joan Cusack, John Heder, and that chick that looks like Conan.
I also completely disagree with Anna Paquin and Audrey Tautou. I don't think they are at all unattractive.
Heff: You draw a firm line. I like that. You can't go wrong with Black TV theme songs, right? That's a jam! I got Good Times on that playlist too.
Donk: Some good examples! Funny ups the attractiveness for sure. There are some women on I Love the 80's and those shows on VH1 who are funny as hell, and it does make them hotter.
I've always LOVED Natalie Portman and have been told that she isn't sexy and is boring looking. But I can't help it man, I still think she's hot as hell... maybe it's may type or something.
I haven't seen it, but if you say it's really good, i'll add it to my netflix list! :)
I trust ya!
Blame: Natalie Portman is fine. If she's boring-looking, call me boring.
Lyn: It's a good flick - I promise.
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