Thursday, September 16, 2010

I wonder what is the best response is to a cashier when they ask how you're doing, and you're not feeling particularly great at the moment. Today I went with, "Eh. You know . . ."


Andrew said...

I occasionally lie. And other times I tell them the truth depending on whether or not they seem like they genuinely care.

Tonight I told a cashier that my dad needed to get a backbone & stand up to my mom. Then I said, "And I really didn't need to tell you that." We laughed & I left.

Heff said...

Depending on what they look like, I usually say "Well, I'm pretty fuckin' HORNY...."

Radioactive Tori said...

The whole asking how someone is is kind of risky don't you think? I am rarely ever "fine" even though that's what I always say.

I remember when I first got diagnosed with cancer and everyone asked how ARE you with that whole "I'm worried about you" meaning. I just wish people could say what they mean and if they mean nothing by the question and it's just a greeting, then maybe we should replace the question with "greeting" and have the correct response be "greeting received" or something.

I think perhaps I am up too early and thinking too much and too strangely because my comment is now 100 times longer than your post.

Sista said...

I always say something like, "living the dream" or "just dandy" both oozing with sarcasm.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Andrew: Wow. I never thought of revealing very random information about my family, but that's a tremendous idea!

Heff: Yes! Why not?

Radio: I totally agree! People acting all concerned and sympathetic sometimes makes you feel crappier, right? You'd almost rather just have them make you laugh or something.

Sis: Oh, I'm living the dream! Like it . . .