Thursday, January 20, 2011

Facebook Status: 1/20/2011

"She's not a super-Asian!" That's what some jerk on the team we beat in volleyball said to one of his female teammates tonight. He goes, "Just hit it over! She's not a super-Asian!" Hey, Shauna, way to bring out the a-hole racist in the opposition!

Hey, buddy! It's just an adult night league, so no need to be mean to a woman like that. Some people are just too serious.

Where did he get this notion of a super-Asian, anyway? Is that something on the cutting room floor of Hitler's plans for world domination?


Spiky Zora Jones said...

Hey I used to play volleyball/ beach volleyball. I never saw a super Asian.

Um..yah what is up with that!

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

You don't play anymore? I love beach volleyball.

Heff said...

Hey - Isn't a "Super Asian" a yellow chick with really huge tits and a really small twat ?

I could be wrong.....

The Igloo Oven said...

I'm a super white I guess.

JerseySjov said...

in a philosophy class, one of my friends was discussing stereotypes and "all asians know karate" came up. a kid from japan raised his hand and said "in japan, we do karate in gym class, so yeah, we all DO know karate"