I'm sure I've told you before that I have never been in a fight. Sure, I watch a lot of UFC, and I'd love nothing more than to know what it feels like to deliver a flying knee or a superman punch to another grown man's face; But I just never was the fighting type. The closest I came was in the 4th grade when this Asian Indian kid and I decided we should fight after school. The problem was, one of us had soccer practice one day, another of us had cross country, or something on another, and we just couldn't arrive at a day that worked for the both of us. To fight . . .
I've always had trouble with follow through and scheduling, so yeah, it just wasn't going to happen.
Suck it up pussy and go beat up some random stranger ... now.=)
I hear ya about the fighting thing. I have been in two and it is only because I was pushed into a corner and you know that nobody puts Shife in the corner. Plus I am so ridiculously good looking I don't want to mess up my face.
You are a smart one Dr. Ken. Make love not war.
Have a good one buddy, and nice job about signing up for the marathon. You are almost going to inspire me.
I love UFC as well and the Ultimate Fighter is the best reality show ever. Because they, like, kick the shit out of each other. GSP is the greatest athlete of his generation. The Michael Jordan of right now.
I’ve been in a few but none after the age of 18 or so.
Bruce Lee spoke of "the art of fighting without fighting" in Enter the Dragon, but that didn't stop him delivering hundreds of flying kicks later on. Why don't you get a punchbag with Ronald McDonald's face on it?
I've never been in a fight either. I'll be in Chicago the weekend of the St. Patrick's Day parade, so maybe we can schedule some time to beat the shit out of each other. Preferably after I'm drunk and can no longer feel pain.
I haven't ever been in a fight either. I sort of remember a girl wanting to fight me in high school because she thought I stole her boyfriend but it never happened (the fight or the boyfriend stealing). I am not a fighter, but am much stronger than I look so I have no idea what would have happened. I don't think I could punch someone else even if they punched me first so I'd probably be all bruised and crying. That's a pretty picture, right? I had a boyfriend once that when I was all drunk I said "wanna fight?" but you can probably guess how that ended up.
I too have never been in a fight (shocking, I know). Though I have been sucker-punched a few times & I once pushed a kid over a stool & beat him with it because he told me my mom was fat (I was 11). Doesn't count.
Shife: True. I lover, but sometimes a drunk.
Scott: What about Anderson Silva? He hasn't lost yet in the UFC, until maybe tonight, but I think he'll win again.
Gorilla: I too have mastered the art of fighting without fighting. It's called The Smart Ass.
Beck: I will fight women. Maybe only women, and then I will retire undefeated.
Radio: You totally stole that girl's boyfriend. Boyfriend stealer!
Andrew: Wow. I'll be sure to never make mom jokes around you.
I'd offer to fight you -- I've got the same problem -- but I'm old and you'd probably kill me and get into legal trouble. Also, I have cross country that day.
i've never been in a fight, but im a good defensive shover and i have a really great mean face/voice. also i'm a lot larger than most of my female friends so i'm an intimidating presence if i need to step in and protect them
Michael: Oh good. You're lucky you have cross country practice, and if I didn't have Glee Club, I'd totally box you.
Jov: Can you post a mean face?
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