Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A while back, I interviewed former UFC fighter and Chicago MMA legend, Shonie "Mr. International" Carter. You can listen to that here. It's pretty damn funny.

These days, he has lost 8 out of his last 10, he still often dons a top hat, and he trains people at my gym. Today, as I walked by, he was working on the mat with a woman lying down, and he was rubbing a big foam roller across her back. Then he mounted her, sitting on her butt to get a better position. When I came back over there to use the bathroom, I saw that he had abandoned the roller, and he was rubbing her shoulders, still sitting on her butt. When I came out of the bathroom, he was rubbing her butt, kneading those cheeks like dough.

Now, I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt here, but as many personal trainers as I've seen over the years, I've never seen one implement the butt rub.

What do you think, Seven Readers? Would you be okay with a butt rub on a gym mat in front of everyone at your athletic club? Would if it was a person of the same sex?


sybil law said...

Um, no. Well, if it was Dave Grohl? Maybe. Probably not even then, though. That's kinda weird, unless I had some butt charlie horse, and that's not likely because I've never had a regular charlie horse. Although I suppose the two aren't really related.
I should go drink more. Which I'm going to do.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Sybil: She may have had "horsey ass." I didn't ask. Poor kid . . .

Andrew said...

No. I'm too weird with PDA. Plus I'm ticklish as a mofo so really any kind of contact like that would not end well.

Gorilla Bananas said...

I hope she had a really muscular butt because there's no point kneading a lot of fat. I wouldn't permit it unless I had strained my gluteus maximus.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Andrew: But, you haven't met Shonie. I think you'd come around.

Gorilla: Could have been a strained glute. I didn't ask. I'm sure Shone knew what he was doing. He's a professional.

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