Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Dad Tip: The Hulkster Test

Sometimes when you're rocking a baby in an attempt to get them to fall asleep, you lay them down and they're instantly awake again the second their head touches the crib. It is like they feel the gravity of being lowered down and say, "I'm up! I got more crying to do! Nobody is sleeping around here!" As the nights go on, you start to get a sense of if they're just momentarily sleeping or if they're out cold sleeping. There is a difference.

This leads me to another Dad Tip, this time referencing something any dad worth a damn can relate to: professional wrestling. What you do is give your youngster the Hulkster test. Remember when Hulk Hogan got locked in a sleeper hold*, perhaps Ted Dibiase's Million Dollar Dream, but really any finishing move that causes the opponent to lose consciousness? What the referee would do to see if Hogan could continue after the choke hold is lift Hulk's arm up in the air, and it would flop lifelessly down on the mat. Then he would do it a second time with the same result. Now, on the third hoisting of Mr. Hogan's python, if his arm hit the floor again the match would end in a victory for his opponent. Of course this would never happen because just before that hand would hit the floor he would stop it dead in its tracks and start shaking it. Then he would shake his head no, as if to say, "I'm not out yet." His opponent would then look all scared because if his finishing move wasn't enough, what chance did he have now?

So punches would be thrown at the Hulk in desperation, but The Hulkster would just keep shaking his head. And I think you know how the rest goes. Hogan throws the dude off the ropes, guy bounces and runs back towards him defenselessly for some reason, eats a boot to the face, Hulk gets a running start by bouncing himself off the ropes, and then he does a flying leg drop, landing 300 pounds on the guy's face via that overly tanned thigh meat, pins him, and that's the match.

So what I'm suggesting for today's Dad Tip** is lifting the baby's arm like a WWE referee to see if the kid is ready to sleep for real or just trying to bring some drama and excitement into the bedtime match that he knows he is going to win.


*I saw an interview of Hulk Hogan where he said that he wished he did a sleeper hold as his own finishing move instead of his leg drop because all that weight crashing down ended up doing irreparable damage to his spine.

**Hulk Hogan had somewhat of a Dad Tip of his own: "To all of my Hulkamaniacs out there, say your prayers and eat your vitamins and you'll never go wrong."


Mr. Shife said...

Sounds like an excellent book idea. Something like: “WHAT YA GONNA DO BROTHER, WHEN THE HULKSTER AND HIS 24-INCH PYTHONS, CHANGE THAT DIAPER!!"

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Shife: I think you could probably fill a book with funny parenting ideas from professional wrestlers from the 1980's. I'm sure Hillbilly Jim and the Bushwackers have some backwoods country approaches that may not have occurred to all of us.

Jonathan said...

I'm not sure if you would be familiar with him over there but here in the UK maybe the most famous TV wrestler in the 70s heyday of the sport went by the fighting name of... Big Daddy. If his rather limited wrestling style was anything to go by, his approach to getting a baby to sleep would be by administering a full frontal slap with his not-inconsiderable belly. Which I wouldn't recommend, to you or your readers.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Shife: The Hulkster had a movie called "Suburban Commando" which I think he was a superhero dad figure or something. Never watched it. May have to. I like things that suck. Oops. Already responded months ago, but there's another take. My earlier take was a little funnier. I'm not as funny when I stop blogging. I'll get it back.

Jonathan: Belly finishing move? I'll be looking this up on Youtube. Wonder if there was pressure on him to stay fat so he can keep doing that trick? I guess easier than staying jacked up with muscles. Smart.