If I've told you my living situation too many times, I apologize, but I live with 4 other men. Over the past year or so I've lived with one of the craziest guys I've ever known, and while he was a friend I knew to be a little eccentric before he moved in, I had no idea just how nutty he was until I lived with him for a while. Here are some of the wackiest moments, and thanks to JC and others who helped me remember some of the funnier ones. There are tons more events that pissed me and the other roomies off more, which would better illustrate what a bad roomie he has been, but as always, I'm going more for laughs with these. If you are the roomie in question, and you're reading this, I'm really sorry, but it's too funny not to post. You're the worst roommate ever, but just know, you'll always be a good friend of mine.
7) On the first weekend one other roomie had moved in, we're sitting on the couch watching football, and BGLR is eating the contents of a bag filled to the rim with items carefully chosen from Wendy's dollar menu. I can see it dawning on him that his order had been messed up, and while the poor, unsuspecting new roomie had no idea what was in store, I knew full well that the wrath of BGLR was about to come crashing down right in our living room. BGLR lifted a burger into the air, about to throw it, stopped, thought better of it, then changed his mind BACK, and spiked the burger onto his television tray like a football player who had just scored a touchdown, only this was an ANGRY touchdown, which sprayed the contents of the burger all across the room. I watched the new roomie to see his reaction, and as he picked the lettuce shrapnel off his chest, I could tell that he was wondering what in the hell he had gotten himself into.
6) BGLR has ADHD. One day he was sitting at the kitchen island reading three magazines, sprawled across the counter, all at once. He said, pointing to one of three magazines, "Hey Gancer, they got a bike auction this weekend." Then pointing to another, "Look at the ass on this chick in Maxim." Then pointing to yet another publication, "You can get a good deal on computers here." He is a restless, intense man, and I love him/hate him for that.
5) One night I woke up the entire apartment with
this girl, and most of the roomies were cool about it. BGLR wasn't too cool about it. He came out of his room, which is next door to mine, to tell us we were too loud, and just then my guest opened the door to make her naked walk down the hallway to see BGLR standing in the doorway. She shrieked and darted down the hall, and into the bathroom. He saw us BOTH naked that night/morning. He then slammed every door he could think of, hollered, screamed, and all the roomies said that they did hear the goings-on of my guest and myself, but they all said that BGLR's antics were way louder. The worst part: He said, "Can't you do this at (Insert Name Here's) house, and it wasn't (Insert Name Here).
3) Before BGLR moved into our place, I had to abruptly move him out of his other place. I'll get into the reasons why he had to move out in number 2. As we're gathering up his belongings, he says to me, "Gancer, you're going to get to see the infamous Red Chest. When he opened up the surprisingly classy chest, I saw that the contents were anything but classy. The contents were, in fact, more pornography than I ever thought could be packed into a mere 3 X 4 foot space. Evidently, BGLR ran a rather lucrative porno rental business on his floor of his dormitory in college. I was honored to have seen the Red Chest, which he spoke of like it were the Holy Grail. He parted ways with the Red Chest and its contents that day, but he has amassed a 100 gig library of porn on his computer in its absence. I don't know a lot about porn or computers, okay fine, I probably know a little more about the former than the latter, but I know enough about the latter to know that 100 gig is a big number when you're dealing with porn.
2) He had to move out of his last place because of an incident that started with his last roomy taking too long of a shower on the morning of an important review at BGLR's workplace. An argument ensued, the guy lunged at BGLR, BGLR punched him, and threw his naked body into the shower. Then the other guy chased him down the hallway, naked, and tried to stab him with the shower curtain rod. The way he told the story, he made it sound like it was all the other guy's fault, but knowing what I know now, the other guy could have been a totally sane guy, who happened to live with the worst roommate ever.
1) The Orientation
When we suddenly needed two new roommates, BGLR spear-headed the search. He was really getting into showing people the place and looking for the right fit, but like everything else in his life, it caused him a lot of stress. By the time he had scheduled a meet and greet with the two chosen roomies, he was so relieved to have the process over, that he decided to indulge in a jumbo bottle of Jack Daniels. By the time the new roomies got there, he was 3/4 drunk. Myself and a current resident spent all our time trying to cover for BGLR, who was saying all kinds of stupid things and farting. Yes farting. All I could think was, "God, I hope these guys don't think he drinks like this every week night." But he does . . . He then went out for drinks with one of the prospective roomies, who ended up backing out that night. BGLR claims that the guy propositioned him to move out to a different place with him, and BGLR sent him packing. That's probably not what happened, and while I'll never know what actually happened, I saw enough at the orientation to know that the tight-assed potential tenant probably made a break for it, which was the right call for him, and we actually got a cooler roomie out of the deal, thanks to the drunken orientation.
BGLR, as I said earlier, I'll always consider you a close friend, and if you're reading this, I hope you're not mad at me for posting these tales. We'll be TEN times better friends at the end of the month when you're living a comfortable TEN city blocks west of me.
* Propers to anyone who can name what book/movie this is from?
** I stumbled across
this blog, which also involved our departing friend.