I was typing to a friend online, and I was saying something about vaginas, don't ask why, and I noticed that the squiggly bad-spelling line came up under vaginas. I figured that it must not be the proper plural form of the word, so I looked it up. Sure enough, the plural is vaginae (click here if you want proof).
Vaginae is quite lovely, actually. It sounds French.
Glad I could educate tonight, and if you click over to the dictionary page, be sure to click the sound thingy where the guy pronounces the word because he sounds mad creepy.
I've always believed that penii is the plural of penis, even if it isn't.
That is hilarious! The part I love the most though is that you were typing something about multiple vaginae in the first place. It's always good to learn new things, so thanks for the knowledge...it's power you know.
Gorilla: Haha. Only an utter pussy. You are killing on these comments.
Beck: Yeah, I think it's widely accepted. I accept it, anyway.
Radio: And knowing is half the battle . . .
Jov: Yeah? That Steinbach was a penis lover. I heard an original title for another one of his works was Of Mice, Men, and Penii.
Most men are happy to just have access to one. This is probably why the plural isn't well known.
Boom tish.
Smack: Yeah. One's enough. : )
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