I was walking home from the grocery store today, picking up some soup and juice and the like to make me feel a little better, when I heard from a line of cars at a light, "Move your fucking asses, people!" A light had changed, and there was no way in hell, even with perfect reaction times from all motorists, that this person would have gotten through. So, he's just swearing loudly for no good reason. Then I was shocked to see that this guy was super old. I'm disturbed by old people swearing, especially the fuck word, like Jack Lemmon as Shelley "The Machine" Levene in Glenngary Glen Ross.
Although, I have heard from a lot of people who work with the elderly that old folks start swearing like mad when they're starting to lose their faculties, so maybe they no long have the energy or patience to hold back.
So, I guess let it rip, old folks. You've earned it. I always try to be nice to the elderly and help them out however I can, and I guess I'll have to grow a little more tolerant of the disturbing swearing.
I think old people swear more because the inhibition center of their brain has changed from age. Kind of like being drunk, which is what I would really really hope getting old is like. That would make it way more fun and much less depressing!
My grandpa just turned 95, we just had a big party, and he is definitely much less inhibited and says things that totally make me laugh. Because he is old it is cute and adorable, not offensive as it would be if someone younger said the things he says.
I also have a hard time dealing with old people cussing. Like the first time I heard Betty White cuss I about had a conniption. It's just not polite!
However, I love hearing little kids cuss.
Radio: Grandpa sounds like my kind of guy!
Andrew: Yeah. I'm the same way. Much easier to hear kids swear.
I don't think it's because of dementia, they just don't care what people think about them. I bet Meadowlark Lemon swears these days.
Beck: Yeah, I didn't even have to look at the translation. I speak cuss. That's funny.
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