The key to being single is to keep things on your horizon. You don't need to be steadily laid with a line forming around the block - people taking numbers like at the deli; although that would be good. No. All you need are a few things working for you on your fires at all times so that you don't want to off yourself. Maybe a couple opportunities are long shots, sure, but they're there. Some of them might be horrible ideas, sure, but you have the option of making that awful, awful decision if need be.
You can never have too many fires going because any one of them can fizzle out at any moment. Never, ever put all of your eggs in one basket when you become way too excited about one prospect. That's like going out for fondou and concentrating all on your beef cooking in the oil and forgetting about all the vegetables you have in that juice. No? Piss poor analogy? Probably.
Point being, keep that horizon going because when it's bleak, you'll start to get desperate, and that's when you will find yourself very much not laid. People smell the desperation on you. The person with that bountiful horizon is the one going out with the confidence that he/she needs, and that's when something great can happen.
When my ex and I broke up, two weeks later he started seeing this grocery cashier ("but you're a cashier!!!!") on whom he had an "innocent" crush during our 'ship. I wanted to die. So I immediately put my rotting rebound eggs in the tattered basket of this young tornado of a kid. Three months later, I was worse off than I had been and the stench of desperation was impenetrable. I should've stayed single, kept my options open, and had fun with friends, perhaps a one-nighter here and there. Lesson learned!
I've been divorced now for almost 4 years...and in that four years, i dated people...but I can't say I got too serious with anyone....
and I'm thankful, "the rebound"...oh, those are just the pits. I always feel sorry for the person who gets rebounded with.....cuz they literally are getting quite possibly you at your lowest, most depleated self. Poor bastards!
be good to yourself, focus on you....and the rest will fall into place when the time's right.
I'll buy you some porn for x-mas in case you get into a pinch! ;)
*big ohio hugs*
You are absolutely CORRECT.
Keep your head UP. (Both of 'em!)
I'm in agreement with Heff. Especially the latter portion.
Miss Org: A cashier? Paper or plastic? Huh? Seriously, thanks for sharing all that. I agree. We live and learn.
Heather: It took me over four years to be healthy enough to date anyone seriously after my divorce. And then I got serious and got seriously hurt. So . . . I don't know what to tell you, actually. : )
Heff: Both heads are up and ready to go. Lots of options. Thanks, Heff.
Andrew: Yes. Always trust in the Heff.
Aw, SHUCKS.....
Love this post, appreciate the notion of the stench of desperation. I think we've all carried a little eau de desperation before and we all learn (perhaps from smelling it on others) how utterly unsexy it is.
Heather, Ken ... I'm at 4.5 years post divorce. Appreciate both your perspectives.
Athena ~ hey, right there with ya sister! Welcome to the D-club! I know, i know, 4.5 years late wishing you're welcome....but better late than never huh? ;)
Heff: Awwwwww shucks is right.
Athena: Thanks for coming by and for the kind words.
Lynn: D-club? I like it . . .
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