. . . and his name was Eric. I specifically told my parents that I wanted a Black, bald, "premie" Cabbage Patch Doll, and they had to search over hell and high water to find it. I know you may find it odd tha I was a a boy who wanted a doll, regardless of ethnicity, but tons of boys in our class had them. I had a Caucasian one too. His name was Sherwin, of all things. He got dirty because his skin showed it; It was to Eric's benefit that he had that dark complexion.
I'm just proud that I grew up in such a liberal minded home that did not restrict toys for their kids based on gender roles or race. Thanks mom and dad, and thanks Eric.
P.S.: The one pictured is not Eric, but that's about what he looked like as far as I can remember.
I love this interesting fact about you. When I showed my cabbage patch kids to my own kids they kind of thought they were gross...I took mine everywhere and they were kind of dirty. I either threw them away or put them in a box in the basement (the dolls, not my kids)
My brother had one and asked specifically for a boy with red hair and I am laughing that you requested something specific too.
-loosing composure-
-breaking up-
Radio: Your brother must be a good guy. : )
Heff: Glad you got a laugh on this one, whether it was at my expense or not. Either way.
I had some Cabbage Patch dolls when I was a tyke, though I don't remember much about them except that one could grow hair (manually, of course).
I had a My Buddy, too. That thing was freaking awesome. I demanded he have blonde hair & blue eyes, just like my cousin. I still have him somewhere. My Buddy. Not my cousin. I've only seen or spoken to my cousin once in about 5 years.
I also had some My Little Pony toys, though my parents say that was a mistake. I can't really argue with it.
Andrew: I was with you until My Little Pony. My Buddy gave me the willies. Kid Sister too. And Teddy Ruxbin.
What about glow worms?
Nah, I liked them reasonably well.
Loved Fraggle Rock. Still do.
Andrew: Yeah, I dug the Fraggles, especially those little construction worker guys.
The Doozers!
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